Business Valuation Company in Chennai

Chennai’s business climate necessitates well-informed choices. Business valuation services in Chennai provide companies with a critical tool to understand their real market value.

A business valuation in Chennai offers insight into your company’s health, internal workings, and competitive advantage within the city’s market. This valuable knowledge can be used to identify underlying strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to optimize your business plan and make strategic adjustments for long-term success in Chennai’s competitive market.

By partnering with qualified business valuation firms in Chennai, you can obtain an accurate assessment using the latest market data and established methods. My Valuation has a comprehensive understanding of the unique characteristics of Chennai’s business ecosystem, allowing them to customize their approach to your specific industry and needs. We guarantee a valuation that reflects the true worth of your business.

When Your Business Needs Valuation?

Business valuation is essential for strategic planning and to ensure that your financial statements accurately reflect your company’s worth. It is crucial if you are planning to sell your business, attract investors, or navigate a partnership dissolution. It determines a fair price for your business during mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, some business licenses and permits may also require a business valuation.

Most Trusted Business Valuation Firm in Chennai

Our Business Valuation Services

My Valuation is registered with IBBI to provide a range of business valuation services in Chennai, such as:

Business Valuation For Fundraising Company Valuation For Private Placement
Balance Score Card Method Under Startup Valuation Venture Capital Method Under Startup Valuation
Risk Factor Summation Method Under Startup Valuation Company Valuation For Rights Issue
Company Valuation For Debt Reconstruction Brand & Intangibles Business Valuation
Business Valuation For Financing & Strategic Management Business Valuation For Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Business Valuation During Mergers & Acquisitions Valuation for Legal And Compliance Needs
Valuation For Financial Reporting Purposes Valuation As Per Ind AS Requirements
ESOP Valuation and Provisioning Bankruptcy
Buy-Sell Agreements Economic Loss
Estate & Exit Planning Goodwill Determination
Succession Planning -
Top Business Valuation Methods We Use

Our valuation experts at My Valuation are trained to follow the below methods to bring out accurate output.

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Price Earning Capacity Value (PECV)
Book Value Market Capitalization
Market Value Adjusted Net Asset Method
Comparable Multiple Method (CMM) Comparable Transaction Method (CTM)
Price of Recent Investment Method (PORI) Guideline Transaction Method
Capitalization Past Earnings Earnings Multiplier
Financial Transaction Revenue Multiple
Depreciated Value Liquidation Value
ROI Based Valuation Capital Financing
Going Concern Value Replacement Value
Balance Scorecard Valuation Technique Venture Capital Method
Risk Factor Summation Method -
Key Benefits of Business Valuation

Getting a professional business valuation can offer you a number of advantages as a business owner. A few of them are:

  • Informed Buying or Selling- Whether you're considering selling your business or acquiring another, a valuation provides a benchmark for fair negotiation. It ensures you don't leave money on the table or overpay for an acquisition.
  • Ownership Disputes Resolvement - Disagreements between partners or shareholders regarding a company's value can be effectively resolved through a professional valuation. It provides a neutral and objective assessment to reach a fair settlement.
  • Effective Estate Planning - For business owners, their business is often a significant asset. A valuation helps determine the estate tax liability and facilitates planning for the transfer of ownership to heirs or business partners.
  • Strategic Decision Making- A business valuation can identify areas where your company can improve its value. This can inform strategic decisions about investments, marketing, operations, and future growth plans.

What Are Different Types of Business Valuation?

This approach compares your business to similar businesses that have recently been sold (comparable company analysis) or are publicly traded (public company multiples). It assumes that the market has already determined the value of similar businesses, and you can use that information to estimate the value of yours.
Income-based valuation focuses on a business's future earning potential. The most common method in this category is the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis, which estimates the present value of all the cash flows a business is expected to generate in the future.
This approach looks at the net realizable value of a company's assets in a liquidation scenario. It essentially estimates what you could get if you sold all the company's assets individually.

Why Choose My Valuation for Business Valuation Service in Chennai?

My Valuation is one of the top business valuation firms in Chennai, founded to assist businesses and more importantly startups to find their true value. As an IBBI registered valuer, we help navigate the valuation intricacies and provide financial advisory. Our services include valuation under SEBI, IBC, Companies Act, and Income Tax Act.

Our valuation experts can transform your startup ecosystem by allowing you to have insights into your business’s overall health. Our team of professionals will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and provide tailored solutions. We use a standardized process that adheres to industry standards to ensure an accurate and objective business assessment.

Choose My Valuation to get the expertise, personalized service, and valuation solutions your business deserves.

The Regulation of Valuation Services/ Valuers and Appraisers in Chennai

The startup valuation shall be done as per the provisions of the Companies Act 2013 under section 246, by a registered valuer with immersed experience.

The registered valuers shall conduct a business valuation, valuation standards, and code of conduct. They provide a framework for the regulation of the profession of valuers.

Valuation under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, the Companies Act 2013 needs to be conducted by a valuer registered with IBBI with effect from 1st February 2019 onwards.

FAQs and Insights

1Why should you choose My Valuation for Valuation services in Chennai?
My Valuation is a qualified valuation firm in Chennai that ensures your business valuation is accurate and defensible. With a deep understanding of your industry and local market trends, we provide professional business valuation services.
2What is the difference between free cash flow to equity (FCFE) and free cash flow to the firm (FCFF)?
FCFE and FCFF are valuation metrics for different stakeholders. FCFE is cash available to all company financiers, while FCFF is available to only shareholders after debt obligations are met.
3What is corporate restructuring and how does My Valuation Help in this type of valuation in Chennai?
Corporate restructuring impacts company value, it is the process of reorganizing a company’s finances, management, and operations to improve the efficiency and productivity of the company. In this type of valuation in Chennai, we can help with transaction valuation, fairness opinion, and solvency analysis for a smooth and successful corporate restructuring.
4Why should you choose My Valuation for Valuation services in Chennai?
My Valuation is a qualified valuation firm in Delhi that ensures your business valuation is accurate and defensible. With a deep understanding of your industry and local market trends, we provide professional business valuation services.
5What is the liquidation valuation method?
The liquidation valuation method estimates the value of a business if it were to be sold off piece by piece, with all assets converted to cash. It's often used in distressed situations like bankruptcy or when a business is shutting down.
6What is negative working capital?
Negative working capital occurs when a company's current liabilities (short-term debts) exceed its current assets (short-term holdings like cash and inventory). In simpler terms, the business owes more in the short term than it has readily available to pay it.
7What are tangible vs intangible assets in business valuation?
Tangible assets are physical assets a business owns that have a physical form and can be depreciated over time. Intangible assets lack a physical form but still hold significant value for a business. They can be harder to quantify during valuation but are increasingly important.

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Business Valuation Services
in Chennai