Valuation Under SEBI
SEBI valuation helps the company determine the value of the company’s stock so investors can decide when to purchase and sell shares. The valuation report aids investors in informed decision-making related to stock trading. There are multiple cases where SEBI valuation is required, such as for finding exit prices for shareholders, when shares are delisted, and when considerations other than cash are made to promoters.
Our dedicated team comprising legal and financial experts conduct a successful SEBI valuation process and works to deliver an efficient valuation report with the best possible solutions and suggestions. At My Valuation, we have assisted numerous businesses and professionally helped them find the value of the company’s stock along with valuations.
Provisions Under SEBI That Requires Valuation Report
- Sr. No. Regulation Particulars 01 SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018
- SEBI (Appointment of Administrator and Procedure for Refunding to the Investors) Regulations, 2018
- SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
- SEBI (Issue and Listing of Securitized Debt Instruments and Security Receipts) Regulations, 2008
SEBI Valuation Service By My Valuation
Not everyone can do SEBI Valuation, the independent valuer must be enrolled with BSE/NSE to perform a valuation of exit opportunity to shareholders. For the valuation of business assets issued to promoters other than cash, a merchant banker or CA is only permitted to do valuation. Lastly, for the valuation of an open offer, the Merchant Banker or CA is required to have a minimum of 10 years of experience.
My Valuation has a team of BSE/NSE certified analysts, experienced chartered accountants, and SEBI registered merchant bankers who are well versed with the regulations and requirements of SEBI Valuation. We have helped numerous businesses and prepared multiple valuation reports highlighting the value of the company’s stock. When it comes to the best SEBI consultants in India, My Valuation is the one who is trusted the most.